A Testimony Of Answered Prayer.
Sight Restored.
Mark. 16:18.
![]() "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
I am not really into flowers, but seeing that this page is dedicated to my wife of over thirty years and of how God moved Sovereignly in her life in two miraculous healings. To my heavenly Father through my Lord Jesus Christ I give all the praise. I thought a floral background for a change appropriate.
The first miracle that I wanted to share of took place about a year ago. My wife discovered a number of lumps in her breasts, one in particular was quite large and painful and she told me that it was growing in size. She became quite fearful as to what she assumed they were and repeated calls from me to go and have them checked out by our local doctor seemed to fall on deaf fearful ears. I have no qualms on going to a doctor myself if I feel that there is something wrong with me, that way I know just what it is I have to come against. She was reduced to tears of fear on an almost daily after a month or so, the enemy was having a field day with her mind. Apparently you do not have tell a woman what is wrong with her body, they seem to know!
Being a Vietnam Veteran I tend to be a little short in the tolerance department, or may be that is just the nature of this bloke, another fault that has to be dealt with. I was sitting where I am now, at the computer in our back office and Barb was sitting nearby reading a news paper when she broke down in tears again, the spirit of fear was eating away at her. By this time I was becoming a little frustrated at her constantly being reduced to tears knowing who was behind it all, the thief that comes to kill, steal and destroy. I slammed the keyboard draw shut got up and walked over to her, more like thundered over to her. I laid one hand on her head, my left, and pointed at her chest with my right hand index finger, the rest of the hand being clenched in a fist. I don't remember the exact words I spoke or again thundered out in frustration, but it went like this. "I don't care if you are indeed cancer or whatever you are - you have no right in my wife's body. It is written that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth and those under the earth. If you are indeed cancer you have been named and I command you to bow your knee now to the name of Jesus and leave in the wonderful name of Jesus and you foul spirit of fear I command you also to go, now in Jesus name". I remember stamping my foot quite hard on the floor at the time, so hard in fact I almost jarred my ankle, why I did I am not sure other than the scripture.
Romans. 16: 20.
"And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen."
I just seemed to do it automatically. It may have been two weeks later that we were in the same position, me at the computer and Barb reading the news paper. What she ever sees in those rags I don't know; they are only full of bad news. I caught her out of the corner of my eye feeling her breasts. My first thought was, oh no here we go again; but she looked up and said, "You know those lumps." To which I replied "Ya"; "They have gone." I was some what stuck for words, but only for a moment. I could only think of one reply to her statement. "Well woman, what did you expect, after all I commanded them to go in the name of Jesus, so they had to go, that's it end of story." Tough me!!
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My son Matthew, Barb and my daughter Leah.
On Monday, the 5th of August. Barb was doing a little pruning in the gardens around the motel, she was cutting into a shrub that had been there for quite a number of years and was in bad need of a good hair cut. I don't know the full name of the plant other than it is Javanese, Javanese Upas I think, the sap of which very poisonous as we were to discover. Barb doesn't like me pruning the shrub's as I love my little chain saw and tend to prune down to the ankles. On Monday night she was in extreme pain, a splinter from the tree had gotten into her left eye along with some of the sap. On Tuesday morning we made an appointment to get her to the doctor, we couldn't get to our normal one so had to take who ever could fit her in. It was another surgery and different doctors. When we arrived, they took her straight in. It was a young English doctor who attended her, he told Barb when he looked at the eye that he had never seen an eye so badly burnt. The sap had eaten into the cornea which is normally a clear colour so I believe, but hers was burnt black along with the rest of the eye. He didn't hold much hope that it could be saved, he wanted her to see an eye specialist in Rockhampton, a city some two hours away, but Barb being Barb and hating hospitals didn't want to go plus she didn't feel up to making the trip up there, more likely out of fear as to what she might have been told by the specialist. Barb was almost convinced that she was looking down the road of blindness in her left eye or a possible cornea transplant which would cost thousands, I don't know what concerned her most.
The doctor prescribed some eye drops and antibiotics, the drops had to be applied every four hours so as soon as we got home I started the treatment to the best of my non medical ability. I would ask the Holy Spirit to wake me at two am so I could treat the eye, which He did twice. On Wednesday morning while I had the bandage off her eye to pop in more drops, Barb told me in a fearful voice that she couldn't see a thing out of her eye, everything was black. It was in the early hours of Thursday after treating the eye and covering it again with a new bandage or patch that I laid my right hand gently over the eye and said. "Eye I command you to be made whole in the Name of Jesus, even better than you were before this." and that is all I said. Barb then went back to the couch where she had collapsed for the past two days and with in seconds was asleep again.
On Thursday night I treated the eye at ten o'clock then Barb was back asleep again with seconds and I decided a little later to head upstairs and hit the sack myself. We decided to leave the next treatment till morning, Friday. I was down in the office sitting where I now am, checked my watch at eight am and went up to the house to treat the eye, the time we had decided the night before as the pain had subsided almost completely. When I walked in I found Barb in the downstairs bathroom, she had taken a shower and was dressing. She told me that she had lifted the patch to see if there was any sight in the eye. She was holding a small bottle of hand lotion soap she uses and said that she was able to read the brand name on the bottle quite clearly but the rest of the smaller print was just a blur. I treated the eye again then it was time for work. The doctors at the surgery, two of them had now become involved had been conferring over the damage to the eye rang us, which is most unusual these days. They were insisting that Barb should go and see the specialist, but Barb wanted to wait until the 16th when there would be one visiting Gladstone hospital only twenty minutes away, they were not happy with the idea but agreed after Barb told them what had happened that morning. They made an appointment for later that morning, Friday, to have another look at the eye.
When the doctor looked at the eye, it was a young lady doctor who had become involved. She said this is a miracle, the skin has almost grown back over the eye or the cornea and it was a lot clearer than when they had first looked at it. Barb told her that she had a lot of people praying for her, the doctor sat back quite noticeably at Barb's statement and said. "I do believe in miracles, but this is quite incredible after what I was looking at only four days ago, I was sure you would be blind in that eye if I couldn't get you to hospital, you must be in very good health." She also told Barb that if the eye continued to improve the way it was she wouldn't need to see the eye specialist.
I know who is behind the healing of Barb's eye and though it is not over yet, I am thoroughly persuaded it will recover completely. If God will honour what this bloke asks according to His will and word, just think what He will do for all of us who will do the same. Do a Peter and get out of the boat and don't look at the waves, look only at Jesus. From the time I first read Mark. 16:18. That verse has never left my thoughts, my heart.
Mark. 16:18. "They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
On both occasions that God has moved His loving Sovereign hand in Barb's life I have come to understand that she was at that point of desperation, a point when we realise that we can do very little to nothing for our ourselves and the only door left open, one that will never be closed to us is to call on Him. The Holy Spirit said to me in the early hours one morning. "Robert, healing is like tithing, you have to sow healing to reap healing." There are only two people that call me by my full name; "Robert", that is The Holy Spirit, that is one of the ways I know it is Him and my old Mother, to myself and everyone else I have always been Bob. Do I need healing in my own body and emotions? Ha! Did the Sun come up this morning? When I came to the Lord and received Him as My Lord and Saviour, I came with a trailer load of baggage. I was 47 years old going 18, now I am 56 and beginning to feel it. A lot of the baggage was stripped away but some still hangs on and some I have picked up again, dumb me.
Romans. 8:17. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Some times I am sure I am as thick as they come, the believer is a joint heir with Christ. He has been given the authority to use the name of Jesus, we have been seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, a seat of authority, His authority and I am slowly learning to use what is my inheritance in Him as I begin to bind all that is me, my heart, my will and emotions to the will and purpose of God for my life and my mind to the mind of Christ. Then loose all that binds me, all the negativeness, seeking my own will and wants, the part the flesh fights against, bringing my will in line with God's, this is the suffering we have to go through, saying no to self. I know what I have experienced so far is only the beginning.
Ephesians. 2:6. And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
John. 14.
12. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
Barb told me this morning, Saturday, that she felt that her sight was back to about three quarters of what it was before the accident, five and a half days later and four days after the doctors held little hope it could be saved. What a mighty God we have and to Him I give all the honour and praise in the Name of Jesus for this miracle. I know form now on I am going to try as best I can to stop praying those faithless prayers, the ones I had been praying, for my eyes have beheld His glory. I am going to remind myself into speaking Gods word into situations, as Jesus did when He was tested of the devil in the wilderness those forty days.
August. 2002.
Bob Haughey.
On Sunday the 11 th. of August, yesterday morning, Barb came down to the office with the patch off her eye and told me that she could see perfectly out of it, she continued that the sight in that eye was better than before. It was still a little glazed but the sight had been restored. Oh Blessed is the Name of Jesus. A friend who is staying with us at the moment, an ex ambulance driver told her to keep it covered for at least another week to keep the sunlight out of it while it is still in the process of healing. Sunday night and she wasn't wearing the patch and just kept telling me how much better her vision out of that eye was. Not quite six days after the accident. The eye is still a little painful as it gets used to the sunlight, but that is part of the healing process which I know God will complete as He leaves nothing unfinished.
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